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03 April 2008

to assuage my omnipresent guilt

Couple of things:

1. I have been getting the most amazing, encouraging comments from lots of you who read this. I can't tell you how much it means to me to open my blog and see that I have new comments. You all are wonderful; we're so fortunate that we can support each other in the midst of our frustrations.

That being said, I have to admit something else: I feel terribly sad/guilty/anxious each time I get a new comment and don't acknowledge it. The feedback keeps me going in the worst of times, but I can't get it together to write back to everyone who's commented. (And no, it's not because there are millions and millions of comments, it's just that I'm tired. Or lazy. Or busy. Or headachey. Or all four.)

So let this be my thanks to you, people who read and comment and people who read and move on. Thank you.

2. And speaking of of thanks, I decided on a new thing that could help me cope better with that whole guilt issue I mention here and in previous entries. THANK YOU CARDS! I have only written three or four cards to employers and a couple of local friends--after that I just got pooped. But writing a quick note to say thanks to those who are supporting you just makes you feel all warm and mushy inside. And imagine how the recipients will feel! I have friends who feel as if they can't do enough for me; they get angry with themselves when they can't take care of me as much as they want to. They become irritated by the fact that there's no cure for this. These friends will especially love to get a quick thank you note.

Thanks for being there for me.

Thanks for helping me out.

Thanks for lending a kind ear.

Whether or not I'm in pain, it's such a comfort to know I can turn to you.

All that jazz. You get the drift. So if you're someone who wants to make someone's day (or at least their hour), grab some preprinted thank you cards (having them say "thank you" already saves you time and energy--making your own is good, too!) and write some quick messages to friends next time you're watching a movie or sitting on the porch.


Love from the girl who can't stop sneezing! Stupid allergies...

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