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26 March 2007

three things that changed my point of view this week

1. I've discovered a really great site, one I can't believe I didn't stumble across before.


Definitely worth your time; check it out. Peruse people's stories, migraineurs' tips and support, and see what others have to say about their own experience. As much as our doctors can help us, it's in other patients' stories we might be able to find true camaraderie and comfort.

2. I've read book after book after book about Migraine disease. If you've read my blog before, you know I love Paula Kamen's All in My Head. I've a new favorite, for a different reason. The following volume is thorough, relatively up-to-date, pretty easy to follow even for those of us who aren't doctors, and quite interesting.

Migraine and Other Headaches by Stewart J. Tepper, M.D.

3. Migraine Podcasts

For those of you who listen to Podcasts, look up the keyword "Migraine." You'll find a few good podcasts at your fingertips, including one aimed for doctors that's still pretty useful for all ("Headway on Migraine Headaches") and Teri Robert's "MigraineCast."

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